It's been a whirlwind
Everyone warns you about how crazy and hectic moving will be, yet the reality still hits hard. I’m exhausted, yet have to keep going, inching closer and closer to moving day…which at this point is in less than 48 hours. Thank goodness we have both our moms in town for the week to help us!
Emotions have run the gamut these past few weeks. I’ve gone out for many goodbye lunches, coffee and ice cream. While those conversations had a twinge of sadness, they were mainly filled with excitement as I got to share more of our vision and what we are moving toward. My office threw a wonderful going away celebration full of fun memories, heartfelt thanks and many tears shed…by more than just me. It was a good thing I wrote out my speech because I don’t think I could have held it together otherwise!

Then my actual last day in the office felt pretty surreal as I started taking pictures off the walls and recycling the contents of my file cabinet. People trickled in to say goodbye throughout the day and we had a great celebratory lunch with my communication team and ice cream with my boss. I shed a few more tears saying goodbye, but it was wonderful having the whole family there to help me turn the page on a new chapter in life.

Logistics, logistics, logistics
We jumped right into full scale logistics mode and went to the dentist, doctor, chiropractor, groomer, notary and more. Every night Steve and I go over the list for the next day and keep adding more items. While I love details and planning, the sheer volume of things floating around in my head is exhausting. And even though I know it won’t be the end of the world if some of the items simply don’t get crossed off before we leave, the perfectionist in me would sure like them to! Luckily we have lots of helpers while we’re packing…

Community - new and old
We have also been intentional about seeing friends and having a chance to say goodbye…or really just “see you later.” So, we’ve had lovely brunches, dinners, coffee dates, walks around Wash Park and a final trip to the zoo. In the past week alone we’ve had three going away parties with our neighbors, friends from the kids’ school, our church community and long-time college friends. Each of these people have played a role in our lives and have been our family here in Denver. We’ve celebrated holidays, held each others’ babies, walked dogs, gone on vacations, worked out and just lived life together day in and day out. We will miss our community here immensely. Yet, we know this is not the end, but rather a chance to expand our circle. To reach out to a new community. To develop new relationships. It takes work. Vulnerability. Courage. And good old fashioned hospitality.
I’m ready to get this “moving” part over with. Now where did I put that sharpie…

Love this family! Can’t wait to “see you later” : )
Thanks Stephanie! Can’t wait to see you in Salt Lake City, if not before!
Thanks for taking a moment out to fill us in and be “with” you all. I know it will be super dooper!
Thanks Marjorie! It’s a whirlwind alright, but we’re starting to settle in.
Hope it is a speedy trip…..BEEEEEE safe! Miss you at Rose Steve.