What is the Forbes Family Farm Local Food Club?
This is a private association through which members can procure locally raised foods and participate in farm-to-table dinners and on-farm events.
How do I join?
You can join today! Short-term or lifetime memberships are available and simply require signing a member application and paying one-time membership dues ($9 for a lifetime membership, $3 for a limited-term membership). Simply email us at info@theforbesfamilyfarm.com and we can email you an application to sign, scan and send back or we can bring a physical copy for you to sign.
What does membership get me?
Membership in The Forbes Family Farm Local Food Club gains you access to a private “storefront” with exclusive farm products and events. Operating as a private association allows The Forbes Family Farm Local Food Club to offer members numerous local farm products otherwise unavailable in our rural community. See below for examples of what this may include.
Can I buy products without being a member?
Unfortunately, no. Transactions within a private association are constitutionally protected, particularly by the 1st and 14th Amendments, but clearly maintaining private association has certain legal requirements. This is why our membership application was written by lawyers and why we are unable to extend products and services to non-members.
How will I know which products are available?
Each week we will send out a quick email letting members know which products will be available that week. Because we are a small farm, we’ll have limited quantities and everything will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. You’ll be able to place an order a few days in advance of our delivery dates and we’ll bring them to a central delivery location in Manila, Dutch John, Green River or Rock Springs.
Is this different than the Forbes Family Farm CSA membership?
Yes, these are two separate entities. CSA members receive their meat and/or veggie shares each week throughout the growing season. Local Food Club members have access to additional items that CSA members do not; however, it’s possible for someone to be members of both or just one entity.
What does this mean?
- We’re more empowered than ever to do business the way we want, when we want to. You and me. Our community together. A Private Member Association (or PMA) is a business structure that allows us constitutional freedoms to do business in the private domain, outside of the government oversight.
- Need more info? Call or text us at (303)589-0700.
Farm to Table Dinners
Our love of farming started with a passion for delicious food. We want to share produce picked at the peak of the season and pasture-raised meat cooked to perfection. Dates for 2024 are:
Friday July 26
Friday August 30
Saturday September 7
Saturday September 21
Registration now open for Local Food Club members. We will have a few guest chef appearances throughout the season!
Farm fresh products
When we have an abundance of produce we will process some into delicious items like basil, pickles, jams, and salsas. We will also bake artisan sourdough bread loaves each week. When available we will have raw milk and raw milk products like yogurt and butter. Additionally we will have quart-sized jars of collagen-rich bone broth.
Wellness products
In addition to growing food, we also create wellness products, such as elderberry syrup, fire cider to boost immunity, and echinacea tinctures. We make grass-fed tallow soap, all natural beeswax lip balms, and activated charcoal tallow bars.