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Photo Credit Wayne Armstrong

Reflections on my time at the University of Denver

Where to start?

16 years in Denver

2 degrees

1 husband and 3 kids

4 job titles within the enrollment division

1 amazing University

Thousands of memories

DU staff members
I've been fortunate to work alongside incredible professionals, mentors and friends in the Enrollment Division at the University of Denver

From prospective student to full-time employee

After flying out to visit the University of Denver (on my own as a senior in high school!) for a Pioneer Day program for admitted students, I knew this is where I would spend the next four years of my life. I had every intention of moving back to Portland, Oregon after graduation, but as life would have it, plans changed. I met my husband (a fellow DU student) and we decided to get married and plant our roots in Denver. June 2007 was a whirlwind month of walking at two graduation ceremonies (my BSBA and my MBA), buying our first condo in LoHi, getting married on campus and starting my job as an admission counselor. Whew!

Graduation outside the Ritchie Center with my family
Our wedding at DU
We got married in the Harper's Humanities Gardens on campus
Riding a tandem bike
After our reception in Craig Hall we rode off on a tandem bike...complete with veil and tin cans

Developing my passion for education

I had worked in Undergraduate Admission since my first year on campus – hosting prospective students overnight in my residence hall, giving tours and eventually serving as a Program Visit Fellow my final two years as a student. I gained a greater appreciation for DU with each tour I gave and developed strong relationships with the admission staff. So when an admission counselor position opened up right as I was finishing my MBA I thought it would be a great way to start my career. I never imagined I would be in the position for more than a year or two, but as the months went by I bought in even more to the mission of DU and the influential work we did recruiting students and helping them envision their best selves. Higher education can play a powerful role in shaping not only a student’s, but a family’s identity and trajectory, and I loved playing a role in a student’s success.

The Undergraduate Admission staff during an event for high school counselors visiting Denver in 2012 as part of the NACAC was a crazy week with the Presidential Debates on campus at the same time!

Leading the communication team

I distinctly remember sitting in a Starbucks up in Fort Collins writing emails before a college fair when I received a call from the Vice Chancellor for Enrollment asking me if I would consider applying for the Director of Communication role. With only a few years’ experience under my belt, I was nervous about whether or not I had the skills necessary, but I was excited for the challenge and eagerly submitted my application. Stepping in to this position and transforming it from a one-person position to a thriving, creative, supportive team has truly been one of the highlights of my career. I’ve had so many staff members pour their hearts and souls into the work to steadily take us to the next level in so many facets. I’m proud of the drive and the compassion and the humility that has kept student success at the center of all we do.

DU communication team
My current communication team is an amazing group of individuals that are even more powerful and creative together as a team!

Taking the leap of faith

So it’s with a mixture of excitement and sadness that we prepare to move in just two short weeks. For years Steve and I have dreamed of flexing our entrepreneurial muscles and opening our own small-scale farm bed and breakfast. While we thought this may happen later in life, based on a confluence of many different factors, we feel strongly this is the right time to pursue this dream. Our oldest son Charleston will be “graduating” preschool in just a few weeks and we have spent the past several months exploring options for schooling. Ultimately we came to a clear conviction that at this point in life home-based education is the best option for him. Coming to this conclusion meant we had to reconsider what “normal” would look like in our lives, and part of that includes having to make changes in our careers. So we have decided to take the leap and go all in on this new adventure.

Our family out at Sheep Creek Ranch this spring on our "trial run" trip

Cherish all the memories

I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity I have had to serve in the enrollment division for over a decade, and I am proud of all we have accomplished. It will certainly be bittersweet to leave the University of Denver and the amazing coworkers who have been with me through so many formative years. I am excited to see what the future holds for my family, but it’s definitely hard to be leaving such a great university and team. I cherish all the deep friendships I’ve formed and will carry with me the many lessons I’ve learned from serving on our staff. We have set a high bar for ourselves that has caused me to grow and develop so much over all these years. As a proud DU alumna, I will continue to follow DU’s success and look forward to coming back to Denver whenever we get a chance.

Playing in the hay
There will be a good dose of play infused in our work!

Into the great unknown

We’ve done all we can to prepare, so now it’s time to step forward into the uncharted territory ahead of us. I feel 70% excited and 30% anxious about this bold move, but I’m confident that it’s the right step at this point in our lives. Whether we farm intensively and homeschool for two years or 20 years, I don’t think we’ll ever look back and regret taking this action. It would be easier and more comfortable to sit back and keep planning until the elusive “right time”, but we know there will always be another promotion or another opportunity that could lure us back into the familiar. Instead we’re choosing to do something risky (albeit a very calculated risk for this planner!) and step out in faith. I know we’ll learn a lot, laugh a lot, make a ton of mistakes, and come out on the other side stronger and smarter for it. We’re in it together as a family and the adventure is about to begin in earnest!

Emily at Sheep Creek Ranch
Looking forward to our next adventure on the farm

This Post Has One Comment

  1. caitlin

    i love you, em! standing by in prayer…!

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